Urodynamics is the name given to a number of tests designed to show how your bladder functions. The main test is called cystometry, which measures your bladder’s ability to store and pass urine. At Queensland Pelvic Floor Services, we generally perform your urodynamics studies along with an outpatient cystoscopy as a day procedure. Cystoscopy is the name for a procedure allowing a doctor to look into your bladder and urethra with a special telescope called a cystoscope. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body.

Is any preparation required?

You will normally be asked to attend for the tests with a comfortably full bladder, so if possible, do not pass urine in the hour prior to your appointment. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes and does not require any dieting or fasting. No anaesthetic is required. On the day of the test, wear separates (i.e., a skirt or trousers and shirt), as you will need to remove your lower clothing and/or change into a gown.

For more information on urodynamics or cystoscopy, please refer to the Patient Information page.